The ACSA Communications Department, under the direction of Assistant Executive Director Julie White, works to communicate the successes of public schools and how ACSA can build on those successes. We communicate these successes through a focus on the role and contribution of school leaders, and we emphasize the need to invest in educational excellence.
The association has led efforts to support and defeat major initiatives, including Proposition 76, (the governor’s budget reform and attack on Prop. 98), school bond initiatives and Prop. 223 (the 95/5 initiative).It has helped ensure pro-education candidates are elected to office.With partner associations, we are currently working on efforts to ensure the school finance and governance systems are overhauled to reflect 21st century needs.
For several years now ACSA has continued its Leadership Matters project to inform public opinion about school leadership.From its inception, the Leadership matters project aimed to educate communities about the value of school administration; establish effective recruitment, mentoring and leadership training programs; and celebrate the profession.It continues to be one of ACSA’s most successful member-driven, grassroots initiatives.
With concise messaging, proper training and message discipline, our members are the most formidable spokespeople for schools.
Audience We have two distinct audiences.First and foremost we focus on our members.Our secondary audience includes other educational organizations, business groups, taxpayers’ organizations, lawmakers and policy makers, and journalists.
We rely on various communications tools to reach our targeted audiences:
Talking Points/Background Materials ACSA Communications produces and provides talking points, background materials and related training for the ACSA Board of Directors and the Delegate Assembly.In addition we work within the association’s region and council/committee structure to ensure our members have access to the most up to date materials.
Communications Training One of ACSA’s ongoing goals is to help school leaders tell their stories with confidence.Most of ACSA’s major professional learning opportunities include training in communications.These trainings offer school leaders tips for working with the media as well as tools for developing communications plans.
EdCal Newspaper EdCal, ACSA’a award-winning newspaper read by more than 50,000 educators throughout California, is an important resource for sharing administrator success stories and the ACSA message with members and the entire education community.
Leadership Magazine This award-winning magazine is sent to all 16,500 ACSA members, as well as other decision-makers who subscribe.An ACSA survey has shown readers pass along the publication to at least two other colleagues each edition.Highlighting success stories and clear messaging in Leadership adds value to our communications efforts.
ACSA Online The ACSA website and online community are increasingly relied upon for immediate communication of association efforts to narrow the achievement gap; build capacity among teachers and administrators; measure results through reliable data; and provide sufficient, stable and ongoing funding.
Partner Outreach ACSA Communications is a lead coordinator in outreach efforts with other education groups and often expands that outreach to include the business community, taxpayer organizations and more.ACSA Board members and other leaders have significant roles in this outreach.
News Briefings with Educational Journalists ACSA has excellent relationships with print and electronic reporters who cover education issues and a standard procedure for responding and contacting media.
Meetings with Editorial Boards ACSA leads “editorial board tours” of the state’s largest dailies to share key messages and success stories.Board members, area superintendents, and other ACSA leaders participate in these meetings.
Email Alerts Through email updates, we keep our members and other stakeholders informed about our activities and refer them back to the ACSA website and other resources for additional information and networking.
Blogging/Opinion Articles/Letters ACSA is taking full advantage of online and free media.We will write and post blogs and opinion pieces highlighting key messages and increasing public understanding of the importance of school leadership.
The ACSA Board of Directors considers communications a high priority, and the ACSA Communications Department is key to building upon our success through a comprehensive plan to ensure ACSA is a strong voice for public schools, educational reform and the administrative profession.