ARTICLE I - NAME, PURPOSE, FUNCTION Section 1 - Name: The organization shall be named the Association of California School Administrators, Region XIV.
Section 2 - Purpose: The general purpose of Region XIV is to promote the advancement of education as listed in the By-laws of ACSA Article 1, Section 1.03. Section 3 - Functions: The functions of the Region shall be as follows:
A. To provide for the professional development of the Region members. B. To maintain direct contact with members and provide convenient means for publicity and distribution of professional literature. C. To assist in the maintenance of professional services for the benefit of charter groups and individual members. D. To consider and recommend to the ACSA State Delegate Assembly proposals for the improvement of California schools and for Advancement of school administration. E. To aid in the administration of the program and policies of ACSA within the Regions (ACSA By-laws, Article II Section 2.014). F. To assist in the promotion of membership in ACSA.
Section I - Qualifications: Region membership shall be consistent with qualifications for membership in ACSA and shall be dependent upon being a member of ACSA (ACSA By-laws, Article III, Section 3.01, 3.02 and 3.03)
Section 2 - Special Membership: The Region XIV Delegate Assembly is authorized to establish special categories of membership. Special members shall not have voting privileges nor shall they be eligible to serve as officers or directors of the Region.
Section 1 - Districts: Region XIV - the following school districts in Los Angeles County: ABC Unified, Bellflower Unified, Beverly Hills Unified, Centinela Valley Union High, Compton Unified, Culver City Unified, Downey Unified, El Segundo Unified, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach City, Inglewood Unified, Lawndale, Lennox, Long Beach Unified, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Lynwood Unified, Manhattan Beach Unified, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified, Paramount Unified, Redondo Beach Unified, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified, Torrance Unified, Wiseburn, and community college districts and universities servicing these areas.
Section 2 - Charter groups: Charter groups are mailer units of ACSA Board of Directors in accordance with standards noted in ACSA Policies and Standing Rules, Article II, Section 2.03. Charters shall provide on-going activities in conjunction with Region XIV. Charter Presidents and Presidents-Elect shall attend Region Delegate Assembly meetings.
Section 1 - Executive Board: A. Responsibilities: The Board shall have administrative responsibilities for the program as stated in the By-laws and the policies and goals established by the Regions XIV Delegate Assembly. B. Composition: 1. Officers of Region XIV: President; President-Elect; Immediate Past President: First Vice-President. Legislative Action: Second Vice-President, Programs; Third Vice-President, Recognition and Awards: Fourth Vice-President, Communications and Public Relations; Fifth Vice-President, Member’s Handbook and Information; Sixth Vice-President, Member Services; Secretary and Treasurer. 2. State Board of Directors Delegate from Region XIV. 3. Five Directors elected at-large to Region XIV Executive Board. 4. Special members (i.e. Chairperson of Membership and Professional Development, Diversity, Legislative Policy. and Superintendency Committees, President of the Retired Members Charter) may be appointed for a one-year term by the President. They will not have voting privileges. 5. State officers and State committee Chair from Region XIV shall be invited to be Special members of the Executive Board.
C. Nominations and Elections: 1. The officers and directors shall be nominated by a five-member committee appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall make its report to the Region XIV Delegate Assembly at its first meeting of the year following January 1. The immediate Past President, or the President’s designee if the Past President is unable to serve, shall chair the Nominating Committee. 2. Nominations may be made from the floor at a general meeting or Region Delegate Assembly providing prior consent has been obtained from the nominees. 3. The election may be held at a general meeting or by mail and must be held prior to May 15.
D. Terms of Office: 1. Officers shall be elected for terms of the following time periods: One year-President, President-Elect and Past President; Two years-Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large Directors; Three Years-First and Sixth Vice Presidents and State Board of Directors Delegate from Region XIV. 2. Delegates to the Delegate Assembly shall be the President, President-Elect, State Board of Directors Delegate, First Vice-President, Legislative Action and Past President. Additional delegates, when authorized, will be appointed by the President from the Executive Board and approved by the Executive Board. 3. Terms of office commence on July 1 and terminate on June 30 of the appropriate year the term ends.
E. Vacancies: 1. In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the President Elect shall succeed to the office and serve the remainder of the term. 2. A vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by election at the next regular or special meeting of the Region Delegate Assembly. Nominations shall be made by the current Nominating Committee with additional nominations allowed from the floor with the prior consent from the nominee. 3. Other vacancies shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. 4. Members of the Executive Board who miss more than two Executive Board meetings may be removed from their position (by a majority vote of the Executive Board).
F. Duties of Officers and Special Members: 1. President: Call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board, Region Delegate Assembly and Region. Appoint with the ratification of the Region Delegate Assembly, the chairperson of standing committees. Be ex office member of all standing committees except the Nominating committee. Follow up on all action taken by the Executive Board and Delegate Assembly. Represent Region XIV at State meetings as required. 2. President-Elect: Assist the President when called upon. Prepare in all respects for succession to the office of president. Coordinate activities of the directors. Provide for a review of the charter and committee activities and responsibilities and report to the Executive Board including recommendations for changes in chairpersons when such action is deemed necessary. Represent Region XIV at State Delegate Assembly. 3. State Board of Directors Delegate: Provide preview to Region Delegate Assembly of State Delegate Assembly agendas. Facilitate discussion to determine desired positions when necessary. Represent Region at State Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly and report actions taken.
4. Immediate Past President: Serve as alternate for Region XIV delegates to State Delegate Assembly, Assist President-Elect with the coordination of charter and committee activities. Serve as Parliamentarian to the Region. Serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and conduct the Region elections.
5. First Vice-President, Legislative Action (3 year term) -Keep apprised of all changes in legislation affecting education and update Region Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly. -Organize legislative activities at the Region level, including participation in Legislative Action Day. Chair Region Legislative Action Committee. -Organize activities for political and candidate endorsement. - Submit articles to the Region newsletter. - Represent Region XIV at State Delegate Assembly.
5a. First Vice-President Elect, Legislative Action (3 year term) - Work in partnership with the First Vice-President in organizing legislative activities for the region - Serve as Associate Chair for the Region Legislative Action Committee. - Represent the First Vice-President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the First Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presidents, legislative action, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
6. Second Vice-President, Programs (2 year term) -Provide general meeting programs, planned insofar as possible, to meet the needs of the total membership. Prepare and arrange for activities at the four Region Delegate Assembly meetings. -In conjunction with the Professional Development Chairperson, a Special Committee may develop and present to the Board a Region Plan for workshops on an annual basis. The Plan may include objectives of the workshops, proposed times and places, and possible presenters.
6a. Second Vice-President Elect, Programs (2 year term) - Work in partnership with the Second Vice-President in program activities for the region - Represent the Second-Vice President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the Second Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presidents, programs, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
7. Third Vice-President, Recognition and Awards (2 year term) -Organize and conduct all Region activities related to Recognition and Awards both State and Regional. -Prepare forms. Notify charters and committees, receive nominations and organize committees to select Region representatives and winners when appropriate and other necessary activities. -Recommend appropriate ceremonies and awards to Executive Board.
7a. Third Vice-President Elect, Recognition and Awards (2 year term) - Work in partnership with the Third Vice-President in organizing recognition and awards activities for the region - Represent the Third Vice-President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the Third Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presidents, recognition awards, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
8. Fourth Vice-President, Communications and Public Relations (2 year term) - Direct communications and public relations for Region XIV, including the Region newsletter and other appropriate communications publications activities with approval of the Executive Board.
8a. Fourth Vice-President Elect, Communications and Public Relations (2 year term) - Work in partnership with the Fourth Vice-President in organizing communications and public relations activities for the region - Represent the Fourth Vice-President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the Fourth Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presidents, communications and public relations, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
9. Fifth Vice-President, Members Handbook and Information (2 year term) - Collect and organize material and information for the Region XIV Members Handbook. Check validity of information. - Work with Region Consultant to expedite publication and distribution. - Work with the Fourth Vice-President to provide communications and public relations for Region XIV. - Be the liaison to the ACSA web site for Region XIV
9a. Fifth Vice-President Elect, Member Handbook and Information (2 year term) - Work in partnership with the Fifth Vice-President in organizing handbook activities for the region - Represent the Fifth Vice-President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the Fifth Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presents, member handbook, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
10. Sixth Vice-President, Member Services (3 year term) -Chair the Region XIV Member Services Committee and represent the Region on the State Member Services Committee. -Maintain current list of Region members, potential members and job classifications. -Be responsible for planning and conducting membership promotions and recruitment.
10a. Sixth Vice-President Elect, Member Services (3 year term) - Work in partnership with the Sixth Vice-President in organizing member services activities for the region - Serve as Associate Chair of the Region Member Services Committee - Represent the Sixth Vice-President in all capacities in the event of absence - Succeed the Sixth Vice-President at the conclusion of his/her term - Work closely with charter vice-presidents, member services, in an effort to provide support and identify candidates for the region board
11. Secretary (2 year term) -Provide minutes of all official meetings. -Attend to correspondence of the Region as authorized by the President of the Region. 12. Treasurer (2 year term) - Keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures of the Region, and present a written report of same at each meeting of the Executive Board and Region Delegate Assembly. - Chair ad hoc Fiscal Committee (Including President, President-elect, and Treasurer- elect) to propose annual budget and monitor fiscal policies. - Prepare the annual Regional Financial Report for State ACSA. 13. Professional Development Chairperson (2 year term) - Receive and monitor requests from charters and committees for Professional scholarships to attend appropriate ACSA Professional Development activities. - Make recommendations to the Executive Board for funding. Notify applicants of approval and conditions, if any, or rejection. Assist applicants with necessary paperwork.
G. At-Large Directors (2 year terms) - Responsible for the coordination, participation and organization of assigned charters and/or committees. - Provide a personal contact and communications between the Executive Board and their assigned charters and/or committees. - Assist President-Elect in monitoring and supporting charter and/or committee activities. - Coordinate charter and/or committee reports to Executive Board and Region Delegate Assembly. - Assist the President in making committee chair appointments. - Annually review the By-laws and make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Board. - Assist the Member Services Chair in membership promotion and recruitment activities with assigned charters and/or committees. - Other duties as assigned.
Section 2 - Members of ACSA Delegate Assembly from Region XIV shall include the President, President- Elect, and State Board of Directors Delegate from Region XIV, First Vice-President, Legislative Action and Past President. Other representatives to which the region may be entitled shall be appointed by the President from the Executive Board and approved by the Executive Board for a two-year term or as long as Region XIV is entitled to additional representative(s), whichever is shorter. Section 3 - Region Delegate Assembly A. Responsibilities: Establish policies and affirm positions that promote the priorities set by the State and Region. B. Membership: 1. Region Delegate Assembly shall be composed of the members of the Executive Board (Article IV, Sections I, B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) the chairperson and Associate Chair of each of the special and standing committees, and the President and President-Elect from each Charter group. 2. No member shall hold more than one position providing voting privileges in Region Delegate Assembly unless approved by the Region Delegate Assembly. C. Meetings: 1. The Region Delegate Assembly shall meet not less than four times each year. Other meetings of the Region Delegate Assembly shall be held upon the call of the President or by a majority of the Region Delegate Assembly members. D. Duties: 1. Require and supervise proper accounting procedures and approve all other financial statements. 2. Approve an annual budget. 3. Approve the time, place, and number of meetings of Region XIV as provided by the by-laws and recommended by the Executive Board. 4. Approve committee chairperson appointments and other appointees and their responsibilities unless otherwise provided by the by-laws. 5. Maintain notes of all proceedings of meetings of the Region Delegate Assembly and communicate with the groups they represent. 6. Implement the decisions of the membership. 7. Provide direction to the regional delegates to the State Delegate Assembly. 8. Encourage liaison between Region XIV and other governmental and professional agencies, groups and organizations involved in the programs of public educaation. 9. Recommend procedures to State ACSA for any changes needed or desired. 10. Exercise such other duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or necessary for the welfare and benefit of Region XIV.
ARTICLE V - CHARTERS Section 1 - Charters shall hold local/district/college elections and activities according to the standing rules of ACSA and requirements of the Region.
Section 2 - Charters shall be eligible for rebates from the Region to assist with activities, after submitting year’s calendar of meetings, programs and officers including President-Elect and First Vice-President, Legislative Action, and other reports as required. The amount of rebate shall be set by the Region Delegate Assembly.
Section 3 - Charter presidents and presidents-elect must be State ACSA members and shall attend Region Delegate Assembly meetings as voting representatives of their charters and report actions taken to their charters. Alternates for the President and President-Elect may be designated by each charter and, in his/ her absence should attend as a non-voting member.
ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES Section 1 - There shall be such special and standing committees as the Region Delegate Assembly may authorize. These Region committees shall meet regularly, with a minimum of three meetings per year, unless otherwise approved by the committee chairs.
Section 2 - Appointment: Chairpersons of Region Committees, who shall serve as region representatives on corresponding state committees and attend all State committee meetings, shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Region Delegate Assembly for a three-year term except as noted in ACSA Policies and Standing Rules 502.2 (see ACSA By-laws VII. Section 7.02) and notification by ACSA Board (ACSA Policies and Standing Rules 8.1). They shall maintain communication between their State and Regional Committees, the Executive Board and Region Delegate Assembly.
Section 3 - Committee Chairpersons and Associate Chairs shall be voting members of the Region Delegate Assembly. They shall attend meetings and report activities of their committee and chair follow-up meetings of their Region committee. The appointed Associate Chair shall represent the committee chair at State and Region meetings the chair cannot attend. They both shall attend meetings and report activities of their committee as required
Section 4 - Inactive chairperson may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 5 - When an ACSA member from Region XIV is considering running for an ACSA state office, the potential candidate must declare his/her desire to run for office. The potential/declared candidate should be required to supply a letter of support from his/her superintendent. The Region Board of Directors shall discuss the viability of a particular candidate for a state office. Following a vote, the Region president will sign the candidate’s nomination form and forward it to State ACSA. A campaign committee will be formed and a budget established. The Region Board will approve the budget.
ARTICLE VII - FISCAL PROCEDURES Section 1 - The Region Delegate Assembly shall require and supervise accepted accounting procedures.
Section 2 - The Region Delegate Assembly shall require an annual review of fiscal records and assure that required reports are forwarded to State ACSA.
Section 3 - A line in the Region budget will be added for this purpose: ACSA state campaigns and funds will be contributed to this program budget annually to prepare for future candidate support. Once the campaign budget is established, a candidate and or campaign committee may petition the board for additional support/funds if a campaign warrants reconsideration.
Section 4 - Decisions regarding those things the Region will and will not pay for, and in what approximate amounts, shall be made in consultation with Appendix A, the "Present Practice" document. The Executive Board shall be responsible for updating this document once each year. Changes to Appendix A, however minor, shall only be made with consent of the Executive Board and do not require a vote from Region membership. It should not be construed that all things in Appendix A will be funded; disbursements still require the approval of the Executive Board and will be considered future budgets allow.
ARTICLE VIII - REGIONAL MEETINGS Section I - Meetings: Two meetings, or more if necessary, to which the entire Region XIV membership is invited (i.e., conferences, awards night, recruitment activities, etc.) shall be held each year. In addition, special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Region Delegate Assembly, provided a minimum of two weeks notification is sent to the general membership.
Whenever the Region participates in the planning of a regional conference that involves a registration fee (e.g. Diversity Conference), the registration form will clearly indicate that there will be no refunds for cancellations made after a specified date (a minimum of 72 hours advance notice). Additionally, the Region will ensure that all registrants are prepaid before attendance is permitted (this includes payment at the door when appropriate).
Section 2 - Voting: A majority vote of the members in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the organization shall be necessary to transact business.
ARTICLE IX - PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Section 1 - Rules of Order: All proceedings of this organization shall be conducted in accordance with Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, where they do not conflict with these by-laws.
Section 2 - Amendment: These by-laws may be amended or modified by a majority vote of those present at a Region Delegate Assembly meeting provided the proposed by-laws change has been brought to the attention of the Region Delegate Assembly at least three weeks prior to the meeting.